Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Chapter 13: The Empty Interior

Merced is the gateway to one of the most well-known national parks located in the empty interior: Yosemite. Highway 140 runs directly through the town of Merced. This is the only highway that leads the locals to Yosemite. Yosemite is home to Glacier Point, El Capitan, Half Dome, Nevada Falls, Mirror lake, and not to mention the famous Ahwahnee Hotel nestled in the heart of Yosemite Valley. The great Yosemite Valley was formed during the glaciation period of history. Lakes and streams were formed along with great waterfalls and huge mountains. Yosemite is beautiful during anytime of the year. Tourists who choose to go during the summer can witness the "fire fall" which is when the sun hits the water coming down Vernal falls and it looks red. Others who choose to come during the fall or winter can see the magnificent leaves change to bright fall hues, or the massive mountain peaks covered with snow, looking like a winter wonderland. Everyone should see Yosemite at least once in their lifetime. Whether you are an avid hiker, naturalist, or just enjoy the peaceful outdoors, you should visit this extraordinary place. I promise you will not regret it!
Click Here to Start Planning a Yosemite Vacation Today!
The Ahwahnee Hotel

The "fire fall"

Yosemite Valley during the Winter season.

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