Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Chapter 10: The Subtropical Margins

Both the Subtropical Margin, especially in Florida, and Merced experience winter freezes which are a hazard to citrus fruit. Huge financial losses and crop damage has occured to farmers throughout Merced county. However, the freezes in Merced happen much earlier. On November 11, 2012, the weather advisory in Merced County issued its first freeze warning of the season. On the Subtropical Margin, they can expect the first frost as late as December 15. These freezes not only effect the producers, but the consumers as well. When crops of citrus fruits are damaged by a winter freeze, the price to buy such fruits sky rocket at the local grocery store. Another hazard that inflicts crop damage is hail. Merced is known for its mild winters so farmers try to grow crops year around. However, Merced does get the occasional hail. When it hails during winter or spring, many crops also experience damage. Here is an example of what a freeze looks like. The tree is covered with dew, and then dew then freezes, which freezes the crops and makes them unedible. 

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